(Egg and ham pie)
The importance of dining together
As a family
At the dinner table, not in front of the TV
Is often sereously underestimated I feel.
Time to talk about our day, share ups and downs, SEE oneanother.
I love this about dinnertime...
At our big kitchen table.
Middag samlet rundt middagsbordet, ikke foran tv'en. Sitte sammen som familie og dele dagen med hverandre, se hverandre. Så viktig og fint det er, og ofte ganske undervurdert.
Hi Pam!! So good to see a message of you, especially in these troubled times. I hope you and your family are doing well...?
SvarSlettI fully agree with you that dining together at the dinner table is very important, we here do this always. It's important to listen to each others stories of the day, things we want to share with each other, it gives an important feeling of togetherness. Seeing this photo I think I would love to come over for a visit and having diner together with you. I would love to try this meal of egg and ham pie, which looks delicious, no, I'm sure it is, eh, WAS by now ;) *lol*!
Stay healthy, take care for yourselves.
Hugs, Ilona
Jeg er helt enig! Og sjøl synes jeg middagen smaker best ved middagsbordet, uansett om jeg er alene eller vi er flere som spiser sammen. :)
SvarSlettHello Pam, Nice to see your blog active.
SvarSlettYou are right about dinning together as a family. That is why we have the TV nowhere near our dinning area. Your pizza looks very yummy. I hope the Corona Virus epidemic hasn't affected Norway and that you and your family are safe.
Take care!
Hugs, Drora
Sharing dinners is a very good thing! Hope you are doing well, Pam!
SvarSlettI agree. Especially when a family is busy with comings and goings. It is very rare to not serve dinner at the dining table. When we do have a TV dinner, we usually do it all together around the coffee table! It is the one time of day for connecting.
SvarSlettMitt barnebarn hadde med seg en venninne til middag her. Hun syntes det var så rart at vi satt samlet ved bordet alle sammen mens vi spiste. Det var hun ikke vant til! Jeg er ikke vant til at man ikke gjør det!
SvarSlettNå er det en stund siden barnebarna og andre har vært her til middag pga. koronakrisen. Nå gleder jeg meg til å se dem i morgen! :)
Amen! I think that one of the unexpected blessings of the lockdowns in many places was that families spent more time together, especially over meals. In about an hour, my husband and I plan to prepare and enjoy Sunday dinner together at our dining table. God bless, Laurie
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Ja - det husker jeg fra min oppvekst, - måltidene sammen. Husker en kamerat på en gård, der vi ofte satt rundt bordet. Vi fikk en brødskive. Vi fikk møte foreldre som hadde tid, som lyttet og var interessert. Husker ikke om de snakket om Gud, - men jeg visste at de trodde på Jesus. La oss verne om de "udigitale" gode samtalene.