mandag 24. desember 2012

Happy Birthday JESUS and a very blessed Christmas to everyone

The meaning of Christmas
Gift of gifts

The chest of drawers in my bathroom
dressed for Christmas
We had a snow storm last weekend
glad I`m not a tractor
looks cold...
We had another snow storm last night
and had to dig out the rabbits house again.
They have heat on iside and are happily warm and cosy...
noone cold or hungry for Christmas
The edges of the road look like this now,
well over 100cm of snow
and huge drifts in places.
- 5 this morning and the howling wind has died down
making it quite pleasant. My mum and I went for a lovely walk along the road to get a breath of fresh air while the Turkey is roasting. Won`t be goint to church today as the roads are pretty bad after the storm. Got stuck out driving last night and wow was that awful, the road was gone many places and I had to more or less guess where it was. Can`t live here without a 4wd car.
We celebrate Julaften in Norway, which is Christmas eve, with parcels and dinner five o`clock.
As I grew up in an English - South African home, I have stockings and Father Christmas coming in the night, Turkey, mince pies, christmas cake as well as all the norwegian traditions. My grandfather was afterall Norwegian :)
We have the best of both worlds so to speak.
Happy Christmas
God Jul
everyone :)!

7 kommentarer:

  1. What a lovely post Happy Birthday to Jesus indeed the reason for the season!
    Wow you have way more snow than us....we have already hit the record for the coldest winter temps though!
    Have the merriest of Christmas's love Heidi

  2. Wow, that is an impressive amount of snow. It must be beautiful. It is a gray and rainy day here. i hope you have a wonderful and merry Christmas.

  3. God fortsättning på julen och tack för din rara hälsning!
    Kram Raina

  4. Very merry Christmas to you, too! Thank you for your comment - it's been lovely to come over here and read about your Christmas - so different from the south of France! However, I just finished reading The Advent Mystery last night, so I know something about the Little Christmas celebrations - how wonderful to read about them here again.

  5. En fin fortsättning på julhelgen !

  6. I enjoyed visiting your blog. We also had a blizzard but nothing like YOU had there. It looks COLD!
    Hope you had a wonderful Christmas! thanks for stopping by my blog!
    sandy :)

  7. Hei høpp!

    Tusen takk for alle fine ord fra deg i året som har gått:)

    Ønsker deg et godt nytt år:)

    Klem Linda:)


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