lørdag 2. august 2014

perfectly imperfect

Kjøkkenet i det gamle huset.
Originale skap fra rundt 1900 er bevart.
Dessverre røk baksteovnen ut under velment "modernisering" en gang på 60' tallet.
Et hus med skjeve gulv og knirkende planker.
Et hus med sjel.
Perfekt uperfekt.
Akkurat som vi mennesker.
Vi strever alltid etter det perfekte
Men trenger vi det?
Kanskje uperfekt er mer enn bra nok?!

Kitchen utencils on display in the old house. 

This old farmhouse is from the beginning of 1900. The kitchen was modernized in the 1950's but happily the original cupboards were kept. 
There is a peaceful atmosphere here in this old house with it's creaky floors and tiny window panes, worn door steps and hand made timber walls and beams.
We have buildt a new house that is warm and easy to keep,
Somehow it is almost
Too perfect.
I have a love for the used, for
Life lived
For the
Perfectly imperfect.

Pam xx

7 kommentarer:

  1. Så nydelig , enkelt og fint i det gammle kjøkkenet ! Jeg har aldri likt det der at alt skal være så perfekt , det er da helt unaturlig er det ikke det da ?!! God natta klem til deg Pam.

  2. Age bring its' own beauty, imperfection is the sign of someones love, without that love the old and imperfect things would be discarded. Your old house has lived long enough to have soul. You are so blessed to have this beauty to enjoy and nurture for perhaps another generation to appreciate.

  3. Man behöver inte mer för att det ska fungera! Så vackert och enkelt!
    Kram/Finas mammis

  4. Lovely old things still being used and appreciated. Now, that will create the perfect atmosphere.

  5. Hello Pam,
    I think that those old world details, especially ina kitchen, are what make a room special and comfortable to be in. It feels like home!
    Big hug,


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