fredag 13. juni 2014

Å velge stil - Finding a style

It has often puzzled me how quickly things appear to get out-dated and passè. Trendsetters tell us what is the "right" colour this year and what is definately "not". I find myself feeling indignated and more than a little annoyed. I am not going to be dictated and preassured into buying new things because someone tells me I ought.
Because if I don`t buy it then my home isn`t really good enough?
Yeah right, nice try!

The irritation I feel every new season and the amount of commercials florating in today`s modern society (post/tv/radio etc.) has made me think a lot about

What I REALLY like and WHY I like it, the way certain things make me FEEL.

We decorate our homes with our feelings don`t we?
At least by a big part.
And that`s what the media does isn`t it, plays on our feelings when it comes to decorating our homes. Trendsetters create a setting and then fabricate a yearning in us to re-create that setting in our own lives.
That is how I see it.
And it makes me angry.

It has made me think, at least, and  have a closer look at my own home and some of my own choices.
It has brought me home,
made me realize more about how past and present are woven together.  

For me, my pondering has resulted in a far more practical approach to interior and a radical need to simplify. 
As a young girl I was determined to become a nun and own virtually nothing. That was long before I got tangled up in the commercial whirlwind and thought I needed heaps of stuff.
I grew up on a farm. My family lived pretty frugally after todays standards. Eating leftover meals "messapottages" was quite usual, mending clothes, re-using, making do, saving etc.
I didn`t realize until well into my thirties and struggeling to keep ut with the commercial circus that I had lost something along the way and needed to get "home".
The reason I was hating my new "lifestyle" so much was because it felt wrong and pointless.
I realized that I LOVE mending and re-using, eating leftover meals, saving and  making do!
AND I don`t really want new lounge curtains, even if the advert is shouting to me from the tv screen that they are on SALE!!


I am quite content.

Pam xx 

16 kommentarer:

  1. You say it so well, Pam! I agree with you 100%. I feel much more satisfaction from recycling something than buying a new one. All of this consumerism is ruining our natural environment. Great post! xo Jennifer

  2. I so agree. We are listing our home. If I hear depersonalize it one more time......hah. Also all the talk of granite, stainless.......and oh my "updating'. I know if we want to sell it we have to play this game but I don't like it. I don't like when everything is brand new. I guess we need to love our own spaces and not be influenced by commercials and others.

  3. Instämmer helt, så tråkigt det skulle bli
    om alla följde trender. Att blanda gamla och
    nya saker är det allra finaste. Och mat slänger
    jag nästan aldrig, det blir matlåda till jobbet.
    Ha en skön helg

  4. Jag håller verkligen med dig. Inredningen visar ju din personlighet. Jag skulle aldrig kunna inreda mitt gamla hus i modern stil, svart och vitt och minimalistiskt. Nej, här är gamla möbler, ärvda möbler , handarbete och mycket färg. Och många prylar, som ofta har ett speciellt värde för mig. Så´n är jag. Jag beundrar kopparna , så vackra.
    Kram Eva

  5. I also agree with you, Pam, like I wrote in my previous blog post: if I can I love to recycle a lot of things. Not only for the environment, but also for stimulating my own creativity :D! I love creating something miniature out of small pieces of scraps and old things, which I won't use anymore. Every morning when I walk through my small garden, I often pick up the treasures Mother Nature left for me after the night. Sometimes I find a small empty snail house, a odd shaped stone, or a beautiful flower it make me happy. It is easy to be happy with simple things..................if you just will see them ;)!
    Have a nice weekend. Hugs, Ilona

  6. Så hyggelig at du la igjen kommentarer inne hos meg :) Jeg er så enig, så enig i at vi bør stoppe opp denne enorme forbrukskarusellen vi sitter på. Hvert år - nye farger, nye mønster som er "in" og "ut". Tullball - la oss få lov å like det vi vil, så lenge vi vil :) Stoffene i nettbutikken min selges enda. Selv om det er lenge siden innlegget ble posta, så redigerer jeg det regelmessig og merker utsolgte stoff. Du må gjerne bestille :)

  7. I feel the same....I love second hand and my rule for decorating is if I like it thats all that matters! great post, Heidi

  8. Håller också med dej! Gamla saker är dessutom kvalité jämfört med nya slit och släng. Här i vårt hus har vi nästan bara gamla möbler och köper sällan nya saker, bara om vi måste.
    Ha det gott!
    Kramar från Finas mammis

  9. Hello Pam,
    Great pictures. I have always found that people with personal style and something to say don't need to follow trends. I'm a little sad int hat when we renovate I go out of my way to not follow becomes a mission.
    big hug,

  10. Pam , jeg er så enig , så enig med deg !!! Så nydelig den vesle gutten som sitter og ber er ! God natta klem til deg .

  11. Tommelen opp for dette innlegget!
    Det ligger en forventning i samfunnet i dag om at alt skal være NYTT og PERFEKT. Selv har jeg fått mange spørsmål om hva jeg skal gjøre med mitt gamle hus, skal jeg ikke pusse opp mer. Det er visst ikke strømlinjeforma nok? Jeg vet ikke, men vi trives, vi.

  12. I feel exactly the same way. I grew up poor, and we never did have much. But the 'things' that we did have, we valued and looked after. Things were also made to last, not like the cheap stuff that is getting massed produce now. I like to go yard sales, find something that is old and cheap, take it home and make it new again. For example: plastic lawn chairs. I picked up three last year for a dollar each. I happened to have a can of white spray paint leftover from another project and I gave them each a fresh coat of paint. Look brand new! I am not one to follow trends either. I like creating my own sense of style. Simple. Carefree. My spirit is happy-therefore I am happy. Love your blog. Have an awesome weekend!

  13. tommel opp for gjenbruk:)

    God helg i morgen:)

    Klem Linda

  14. Hei Pam ! Det er så koselig med dine kommentarer , det er jo som små brev og det er så gøy !!! Du fødselsdag feiring i låven var jeg med på hos datteren min for et år siden og det var kjempekoselig , så moro med låve ! I dag har vi sommersol her og jeg får ut å nyte den for i morgen er det meldt regn igjen , den forbaskede norske ustabile sommeren , sier jeg bare .Skal dere på noe ferie i år ? Vi tar en tur på noen få dager bare , for vi trenger dyrepass vet du.Det skal bli bra ! Fin soldag til deg og klem .

  15. I gave Bruce the pat from you (and yes, I did tell him it was from you) and he said. . .lovely pat but NO CARROTS???
    A horse and his tummy. . .

  16. Önskar dig en fin söndag och
    sommarvecka Pam


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