Christmas preparations this weekend - Juleforberedelser denne helgen
Knitted this Santa a couple of years ago. Took me 2 years to complete him, but how adorable he turned out :) Measures about 1 m from top to toe.
Brukte 2 år på å strikke denne Store nissen. Han er ca. en meter fra topp til tå - etter toving.
My mums homemade lemon curd - yum :)
Mammas hjemmelagde sitronsyltetøy :)
The children made cookies - Kakemenner. Going to post the recipe one of the next few days. Lovely and crunchy and really tasty.
Barna bakte kakemenner - endelig en oppskrift som ga skikkelig gode sprø kakemenner! Legger ut oppskrift en av de nærmeste dagene.
My daughter and I baked a kransekake - 18 rings put together. Main ingredients is almonds.
Datteren min og jeg bakte 18 ringers kransekake.
These "Fjøsnisser" I love. In days gone by people believed that they lived on the farms in the barn with the animals. If you treated them well - gave them porridge on Christmas ev. eg, they would serve you well and help take care of the animals. If you treated them bad on the other hand, they would get up to no end of mischief. When I was a little girl, my grandfather and I used to put out porridge in the barn for the Fjøsnisse :)
My two here (about 50 cm from Perfect Home) are very sweet though...and they dont`t even need porridge ;)
Wishing you all a good Advent, enjoy the preparations for Christmas and take time to sit down and take a timeout sometimes :)
Be in to check on all your blogs this afternoon.
Riktig god Adventstid, nyt forberedelsene og ta en timeout innimellom alt stresset (det blir jul likevel ;)
Tar en runde på alle de flotte bloggene deres ikveld.
hugs - klem Pam