tirsdag 29. januar 2013

Good things - Gode ting

The very best husband in the entire world brought me lovely red roses yesterday - no occasion
just because he thought I was looking rather gloomy lately.

Finished off this cheerful dolls bedcover this morning. Can`t be gloomy working with bright colours like this.

My father and grandfather made me this lovely dolls bed when I was a little girl. They were very secretive a few weeks before Chistmas and hung up a sheet infront of my grandmothers dressing table. To stop me from peeping they told me there lived a huge spider behind it...
so I mustn`t look.
I never did - really didn`t like spiders ;) 

Pippi and Betsy
are two of my old dolls I still have in my posession.

A snowy weekend and some skiing saturday. 
Sunday it snowed all day and I stayed warm indoors.

The temperatures have rizen to round zero now, snowed last night, rained this morning, a storm is forecast tonight, more snow and then colder. 
Nowonder everyone has a cough and a runny nose these days :)

Thank you for lovely comments,
be in to check on you all soon.

Pam xx

fredag 25. januar 2013

Fiiin Fredag! Friday again!

It`s Friday again and a whole weekend lies ahead.
Hope to spend large parts of it skiing.
Last weekend we ate our dinners over an open fire deep in the forest, hoping the weather will let us do the same this weekend.
Pictures are taken right by my house, feel so fortunate that I can put the skis on by my doorstep, get on my backpack and just go. Nature gives energy and meaning. I have to be careful because of my health issues, but as the tortoise put it: "steady and slow does it". Only a few years back I was stuck in bed most of the time.

Fiiine fredagen, den er uten tvil den aller beste ukedagen! Håper vær og helse tillater nok en skihelg med middag på bål. Ingen oppkjørte løyper her, men stille og godt og rett utenfor stuedøren min. Føler meg heldig, og setter så umåtelig stor pris på naturen. Bare få år siden lå jeg mest i sengen og var for syk til en skitur.

Delicious yellow tulips, bright oranges and fresh waffles for my boys home from school. Homemade raspberry jam to go with it. Friday treat.

Gule tulipaner appelsiner og nystekte vafler med hjemmelaget bringebærsyltetøy. Til gutta mine som er kommet hjem fra skolen. Fredagskos.

Just wanted to show you these two lovely pictures. My mother in law gave them to me when she moved and sold a much bigger house. Aren`t they lovely. The little lantern set was a present from my 11 year old son, he found it in a charity shop.

Hadde lyst til å vise dere disse to fine bildene som jeg fikk av svigermor da hun flyttet til et mye mindre hus. Er de ikke nydelige. De små lanternene er fra sønnen min på 11, en gave til mamma kjøpt på brukten.

A very good weekend to you all, hope it brings many good moments. 
God helg og gode øyeblikk til alle.

Velkommen til ny følger
welcome to new follower
Patty from Lemon Lane Cottage
So pleased to have you along :)

Blessings Pam xx

onsdag 23. januar 2013

A gift and a project

A cold beautiful morning, minus 23 celsius and gorgeous sunshine :)

My mother bought this for me during a trip to Austria. So sweet! It is going in the dollshouse I am doing up. The pen at the back is just to show how small it really is.

En gave fra min mor. Kjøpt på en reise i Østerrike. Pennen bak er bare for å vise hvor smått det er. Samler opp gjenstander til dukkehuset jeg pusser opp og dette er midt i blinken. 

Så et lite kreativt prjosjekt. Dette blir sengeteppe til en gammel dukkeseng min far og bestefar snekret til meg i julegave en gang for altfor mange år siden. Fargelek. Mønsteret heter "around the world" og jeg fant det på en blogg - husker ikke hvilken. Går dette prosjektet bra, har mannen bestilt sengeteppe - i litt mer guttete farger kanskje? Mønsteret settes sammen del for del slik at det danner en slags diamanter. Her har jeg bare laget en del.



A little creative project for a little dollsbed my father and grandfather made for me for Christmas many years ago. I have used the "around the world pattern" but here I have only made one block - that is I havn`t finished one block yet. It will be a bedspread with an edging. Hubby is hoping I will be making a big one, for the master bedroom. Time will show :). I have completed a jersey for my hubby and pyjamas for two of the boys, but they were snatched up and worn before I could get my camera out :).

Thank your for your lovely comments - such a pleasure to read!
Takk for koselige kommentarer - så hyggelige å lese!

I will be checking in on you all this evening
stikker innom alle dere ikveld

Have a good wednesday
God onsdag

Blessings Pam :)

fredag 18. januar 2013

House: The Small Version - Lekestua

Last Autumn we buildt a small version of our house for our youngest son.
On the pictures you will see that it still has a bit of paint and details left to finish. The snow came and surprised ut and we had a struggle to get the bits done. 

Lekestua som nærmest er en miniatyrutgave av vårt hus. Vi bygget den til yngstemann sist høst. Snøen kom og gjorde at vi ikke ble helt ferdig med alle små detaljer utenfor, så det må fullføres til våren.

This is the view from the lounge window. Come Summer we will be building him a couch to go with the little coffee table from my husbands childhood home.
He chose Mc Queen qurtains and I made some bunting for him too. He was super-pleased.

Utsikten fra stuevinduet, Mc Queen gardiner valgte han selv. Til sommeren skal vi lage en liten pallesofa til ham. Han er superfornøyd med husprosjektet.

Found this tiny section at a thrift store last Summer. The lamp works and the wiring is fine. The plan is to give it a makeover and a new look. It is only about 1m. high which means the perfect size for a child`s lounge.

Denne lille seksjonen fant jeg i en bruktbutikk til kr 150,-. Den skal få en makeover til våren. Den er så liten at den passer perfekt i stua her i lekestua.

The little kitchen corner. Kitchen unit from Ikea, the little table belonged to my daughter when she was small and the wood stove is from the farm. It has a crack in the side and was discarded and put in the barn, but as it is just for fun the crack is of no importance.

Kjøkkenkroken. Kjøkkenbenken er fra Ikea, det lille bordet tilhørte min datter da hun var liten og den gamle vedovnen er fra gården.

Most of the kitchen untencils are thrift finds, like the little porcelain cups from Porsgrunn Porselen.

Det meste av kjøkkenutstyret er kjøpt brukt, slik som de små porselenskoppene fra Porsgrunn Proselen. Gav kr 5,- per stk. for dem.

It is amazing what a little paint job can do to something.

Utrolig hva litt maling kan gjøre.

I made this crackled look on the shelf and drawers, thought it gave it an aged look and was quite charming.

Laget denne krakelerte effekten på den lille hyllen, synes det ble tøfft.

The plan is to eventually insulate the little house and transform it into a little aged-looking cottage, homely and appealing to play in. Sofar he loves is and eats his breakfast in it sometimes, brushes off his boots and sits watching the snow falling outside :). 
Further plans are to make a little office corner inside and a very own strawberry patch outside.

Planen er å isolere lekestua etterhvert og gjøre det om til en "gammel" liten stue i skogen. Hjemmekoselig og morsom å leke i. Eieren selv er veldig fornøyd med huset sitt og spiser ofte frokosten der inne i helgene.
Videre planer er å lage en liten kontorkrok inne og en egen liten jordbæråker utenfor.
Håper alle får en fin helg. Her har vi vært syke hele uka og er fortsatt ikke helt i form. Håpet er at alle er friske nok til en skitur på søndagen. Det er kommet mer snø, lett og fin. Alt ser hvitt og vakkert ut og man må prøve å nyte det.

Hoping that your weekend will be a good one, here we have been sick the past week and still feel a bit doddery. Hoping that Sunday all will be well enough to put our skis on and go into the forest. We have had fresh fluffy snow and everything is looking just beautiful at the moment - hope to make the most of it.

Velkommen til ny følger:
Welcome to new follower: 
Mieke with the blogs: Petitvictorianrose and Past Time Childhood, lovely to have you along :)

Blessings Pam xx

tirsdag 15. januar 2013

Quiet tuesday - stille tirsdag

Today I had a really quiet day at home alone.
Had my first cup of coffee out in the cold on the door step while Jenny - dog scampered about a bit, puss wouldn`t go outside and hid. I couldn`t find him atall for a while.

I am knitting dishcloths as a part of my contribution to a Summer market the coming summer. Quite fun and easy without too much pattern.

En stille tirsdag idag, alene hjemme med kaffen og strikketøyet (alt husarbeidet etter seks mennesker snakker vi ikke om).
Nøt min første kaffekopp i kulda ute på trappa mens Jenny - hund løp omkring og snuste litt. Pus ville ikke ut i det hele tatt og gjemte seg så godt inne i huset at jeg ikke fant ham på lenge...pysa!)

Jeg strikker oppvaskkluter for tiden. Skal ha ca. tyve stk. til et sommermarked. Blir fort lei av å lage samme tingen så de blir i alle regnbuens farger. De som leser bloggen min har nok skjønt at jeg er veldig glad i farger.

A little crochet edging to perk them up a bit.

Pretty soft sunset this evening.

Keep Calm 
Keep knitting, crocheting, walking, taking pictures, reading, drinking tea or coffee, painting, laughing...
...or whatever makes life fun :)!

Pam xx

mandag 14. januar 2013

Norske Strikkekofter - Norwegian knitted Cardigans

Today I am showing an old treasure we are so fortunate to have inherited.

This knitted Norwegian Kofte - Cardigan belonged to my husbands Grandfather who was born and lived in Setesdalen. 

A close up of the pattern.

And of the lovely buttons.
Made by the Grandfather himself.

This piece of cloth has been hand stitched into the lower back inside.
I remember my own Grandfather had a backing sewn in his to, to protect agains drafts and chills.
The lower back is where we often get cold first isn`t it.
 The material is repurposed and very soft. Perhaps a piece of a curtain of bedlinen?

Denne nydelige Kofta tilhørte min manns bestefar. Han var født og oppvokst i Setesdalen. Jeg lurer på hva den heter, er det noen som vet? En tradisjonell Setesdalskofte har min Svigermor strikket til alle oss i familien, men denne er jo noe helt annet. Har et gammelt barnebilde med en guttunge fra syttitallet iført maken kofte, også han fra Setesdalen.
Nederst i korsryggen er det sydd inn et lilla stoff for ekstra polstring - det er jo ofte her vi fryser først. Gjenbruksstoff...en gardin eller sengetøy kanskje.

Linker til

A very warm welcome to new followers:
Hjertelig velkommen til nye følgere:

Riitta Sinikka,
and ted and bunny

Thrilled to have you along.

A new week lies ahead and I hope it will be a good one for everyone. Take time to drop your shoulders and enjoy the moment as often as you can, even if it`s "only" a quiet cup of coffee.

Joining in on the 
at Hob Nobbers.

Blessings Pam xx

fredag 11. januar 2013

Jippii and a BIG thank you!

The picture problem is solved and the mystery of why there were problems in the first place is solved thanks to your kind help!

Google Chrome
download this and you`re on "the road" again
or so to speak :)

It`s friday and I am over the hill happy about getting hold of this book! I have all her books and really hope she keeps them coming for years to come!
If you can get hold of her books in English...
then run to the book store, or download them.
(and I`m not one to encourage buying stuff normally, but these stories are so lovely)
Her stories embrace the simple life and the small details which make all the difference. Strong loveable charachters and a moving plot. Happy endings - yes I like that, and I often find myself laughing out loud and wishing the books were much thicker (much much thicker!)

Christmas went out the door a few days ago...
that is...
pretty treasures and memories carefully wrapped up and put safely away in boxes until next december.

Love the winter season, and now after New Year there is something  
different in the air...days are longer
light different somehow.
Hope there will be some skiing in the woods this winter, will have to make the time for that, let chores be chores.

The picture on the top of this post is my latest crafty project - pillow with recycled embroidery.

Taco going on the table in a short while,
and the Midsummer Murders on Tv this evening...
oh makes me happy
quite the perfect friday if you ask me :)

Happy weekend :)
Pam xxx

a cry for help - hjelp!

now I`m getting just a little bit
(more than a little bit)
Why on earth can`t I get out any new photos!
What is wrong with Blogger?
See many others have the same problem...
have any of you solved it?
If so please let me know.
So once again...
I am looking back at old blog pictures.
the farm...
A quiet day here today,
the youngest is home sick and taking it easy. I`m drinking coffee, knitting, reading and doing household chores.
oh yes...and dreaming
a lot of things we do in life begin this way:
evolves into an
which evolves into a
which then again becomes a
if we are bold enough to take the step when the time is ripe.
Wishing you all a very good weekend
A very warm welcome to new followers EMMA and SANDY - Hob Nobbers!
Emma...I tried to leave a comment with you, but had some problems (blogger?) will try again.
Blessings from Pam in Norway x

lørdag 5. januar 2013

Looking back

Today I am showing some pictures from last year Dec. - Jan.
the reason for this is that blogger won`t let me post any new pictures - the button is gone simply!
Have heard some others have the same problem.
The above pictures are from last years december party.
The family gathers and eats trout, lefser and a kind of fish soup on the side. Regnbueørret og Spa.
For the table cloth I used sacking
flower pots were tin cans.
My dollshouse project.
An old homemade dolls house I found at a junk sale. Pictures from inside coming soon.
The chickens.
Winter in the forest.
A very warm welcome to new followers
Floss - Troc Broc and Recup and Plushpussycat :)
Good night from Norway
blessings Pam

tirsdag 1. januar 2013

Happy New Year - Godt Nytt År!

A very happy and blessed New Year
to everyone! 
And I said to the man who stood at the gate of the year: "Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown."
And he replied: "Go out into the darkness and put your hand into the Hand of God. That shall be to thee better than light and safer than a known way."
Minnie Louise Haskins.
New year`s Day has been a beautiful one
with crisp snow and sunshine atlast...
must be weeks since we last saw that yellow thing in the sky :).
Family time with a trip in the forest, dinner over an open fire and a chance to try out my new knife hubby bought me for Christmas.
No New Years resolutions
except to gossip even less,
to focus on what I can achieve and not what my illness prevents me from doing.
I am going to follow M.L. Haskins example and take His Hand...
2011 and 2012 have been years filled with a lot of shadowland...
but He got me through them...
and so I leap into 2013 hand in Hand again :)
Thank you for your kind comments and
All the very best to you all
blessings Pam :)x